International Tea Day

Today is International Tea Day, if you know me you will know this is a topic close to my heart. I love tea. Every day I drink a lot of it, but from a fairly limited range of flavours. Luckily, I have a wonderful friend who is also a tea merchant, so life on the hot beverage front is pretty … Read More

Earth Day

This year for Earth Day, I wanted to concentrate on ‘doable’ things. I’ve been guilty of trying to do too much, too quickly and then experiencing guilt when I’m not doing ‘enough’. I am a dark green, I’ve been working, with my family, over the last fifteen years to make a serious difference in how we live. Ultimately, we have … Read More

Ecologi Projects

In October 2023 I joined Ecologi. I’ve been donating a percentage of my income each month to an environmentally positive project via their Impact Shop. I liked their way of working, clear evidence of practial projects that actually make a difference and their transparency. I also liked the variety of things I could support. Each month I’ve had a vote … Read More

Impact Report 2023

An Impact Report for an individual always feels an odd thing to do, but I like the reflection of looking back and adding up small actions into more impressive collections of impact. We try to balance supporting projects for both people and planet, and I’m very proud of our contribution in 2023. Not least, that in October I joined Ecologi … Read More

Impact Report 2022

When I ran The Frugal Family, we did a report each year to try and evaluate our impact. There are lots of online calculators that can help you to do something similar yourself. Sometimes it feels as if the small changes we make a home aren’t going to be important, or make a difference. Using these calculators helped me to … Read More

The Gift of Not Giving

Eh? The gift of not giving sounds a bit odd, right? This comes up every year, so I’ll tackle it again for people who are still baffled. Or maybe you’re new here… We don’t buy our kids any Christmas presents, and that’s OK. A few things to clarify quickly before you unfollow:🤶 We love being festive, this is not a … Read More

The Problem with Ashes

I always considered myself a ‘green’ person. I actually do hug trees when the opportunity arises… However, I had never really thought very hard about the impact of death on the environment, I mean why would anyone think about that? The problem with ashes is well known, at least if you ask the rigth people… Learning Curve My knowledge in … Read More

Sustainable Flowers

Over on Twitter, as part of #EthicalHour (Monday’s at 8pm), I was talking about sustainable flowers. The discussion is always engaging and I always learn something. It’s also been an opportunity to raise topics around bereavement and funerals especially, that people rarely think about. Problems… So many flowers we buy are imported from far and wide, the carbon footprint of … Read More

Good Questions for Being Green

As with so many aspects of ‘being green’, there is a lot of greenwashing about. This is when a product or a business tries to look better than it really is. The only way to be really happy that you are choosing an environmentally positive option, is to do your research. Find out about who is selling that thing, and … Read More

Environmentally Positive Planning

I have learnt SO MUCH about this in the last three years, not all of it very easy to talk about. What I do know is that some very small changes can make a HUGE difference to the impact of cremations, funerals and generally at end of life. There is really too much information, so I’m putting a book together … Read More